Sunday, April 5, 2009


I created this blog, ages ago, with the intention to write in it--as these things usually go.

It never really worked out that way, and became more of a conveniently located and easily edited link dump. I could use my browser's bookmark functionality, but that's where I keep all the links that I didn't have time to read at the moment, and will never actually visit again.

The name is Incendiary Blues because it seems as though my opinions, beliefs, lifestyle, personality tend to piss people off, and not--as one would assume--because I'm a jazz musician who moonlights as an arsonist.

It isn't actually intentional. I don't particularly like upsetting people. Honestly, I don't particularly like drawing attention to myself at all.

But, for some of us, merely living our lives without hiding is enough to spark interest, debate, and judgment. I can't tell you how often I've heard that people don't "approve" of my choices or my lifestyle. It's not me, they say, just my choices they disagree with.

To me, though, I make the choices I do because of who I am, and I am who I am because of the choices I've made. While I'm more than the sum of my experiences, it's difficult for me to really believe that there's a distinction between someone disapproving of my life and someone disapproving of me.

I tried writing out the various things about my life and personality that seem to cause so much discomfort or confusion. But I think I'd rather those things came out over time, on their own, as I write about me and my thoughts and my life.

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